These are the current SNTS regulations for guests (see also the Newsletter from October/November 2020 elsewhere on this website):
Nomination of Guests: Members may invite up to two guests and are strongly encouraged to keep the Society’s commitment to diversity in mind when doing so. Those wishing to nominate a scholar to be a guest at a General Meeting should contact the Assistant Secretary, though the invitation will come formally from the President. An individual may be invited up as a guest up to three times in any five-year period. However, candidates for membership of the Society may not attend a General Meeting as a guest in the same year they are being nominated for membership of the Society. (In order to avoid embarrassment, members should ensure that their annual subscription is paid before proposing a guest.) Guests are of two kinds:
1. Personal guests (as distinct from “accompanying persons” such as partners or children). Any member attending a General Meeting may nominate up to two non-members to be invited to attend as a personal guest. These guests may participate fully in the academic programme, although not as a presenter. Members should indicate briefly to the Assistant Secretary how their guest would contribute to the proceedings. It is recommended that requests be submitted by 1st April, although later requests may be considered if there is additional capacity. These guests will be asked to pay an additional registration charge of ca. €15 in lieu of Membership subscriptions.
2. Seminar guests. Seminars may make application through the Assistant Secretary to extend an invitation to a seminar guest whose expertise is germane to the work of the seminar. Such guests can be invited for one, two, or three consecutive years, and not necessarily to present a paper each year. Only one guest may present a paper in any given seminar, but there is no restriction on guest respondents or guest participants. Thus, a seminar might have multiple guests at a seminar, but only one guest presenter. Seminar conveners should provide a clear and strong rationale for the invitation, including the expertise that the seminar guest has to offer as well as the intended outcomes of the seminar. Requests to invite a seminar guest must be received by the Assistant Secretary by 1st February.