
About Our Committee

The Society’s Committee is comprised of nine trustees elected from within the Society’s membership by a General Meeting of the Society. These include the Society’s President, the Past President, the President-Elect, and six others.

The Committee is tasked with formulating the strategy of the Society, planning the annual General Meetings, considering nominations for membership and associate membership, considering nominations for future Officers and Committee members, and overseeing the international development of the Society.

The terms of office for the Officers and Committee members are set out in the Constitution. They are nominated by the Committee and elected in Business Meetings at the annual General Meetings of the Society.

The Committee meets twice at the General Meeting (before each Business Meeting of the Society’s membership) and, as necessary, during the year.

The Society is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (no. 313862). It follows UK charity law and submits annual accounts, which are professionally audited. The Annual Report and Accounts are submitted each year in compliance with the requirements of Part 8 of the Charities Act 2011. The trustees are responsible for ensuring the financial viability of the Society.

2024-25 Trustees

President of the Society and Committee Chair: Prof. Angela Standhartinger (Germany)

Past President of the Society: Prof. Joseph Verheyden (Belgium)

President-Elect of the Society: Prof. Cilliers Breytenbach (Germany/South Africa)

Prof. Judith Hartenstein (Germany)

Dr. Janet Spittler (USA)

Dr. Vicky Balabanski (Australia)

Prof. Simon Butticaz (Switzerland)

Prof. Matthias Konradt

Prof. David Horrell (UK)

The Presidential Nominee for 2026/27 is Adele Reinhartz, who is an observer.

The Committee meets twice each year in person, at the General Meeting of the Society in late July/early August. A business meeting of the Society’s membership follows both sessions.


Secretary: Prof. Todd D. Still (USA), todd_still@baylor.edu  

Assistant Secretary: Prof. Christina M. Kreinecker (Belgium), christina.kreinecker@kuleuven.be    

Assistant Secretary for International Initiatives: Prof. Gerbern Oegema (Canada), gerbern.oegema@mcgill.ca  

Treasurer: Prof. Paul Foster (UK), paul.foster@ed.ac.uk

Editor of the Journal (New Testament Studies): Prof. Teresa Morgan (USA), teresa.morgan@yale.edu    

Editor of the Monograph Series (SNTSMS): Prof. Catrin Williams (UK), c.h.williams@uwtsd.ac.uk

The Officers of the Society attend the meetings of the Committee ex officio.