Significant Developments
2021 – On 12 June, A first digital meeting for Emerging Scholars from Eastern Europe, a major new development, was held on 12 June, 2021. The conference entitled “Beyond Canon” was initiated and organized by Tobias Nicklas from Regensburg, assisted by Marko Jovanovic and the Regensburg Research Centre for Advanced Studies.
2020 – On 26 June, James (Jimmy) D. G. Dunn, another leading figure of the EELC for years, remembered with affection and appreciation.
2019 - On 13 October, the founder and leader for many years, Ulrich Luz, passed away after a long illness, remembered with affection and appreciation.
2018 - The Centre for Biblical Studies at Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (Romania) publishes the journal Sacra Scripta. Journal of the Centre for Biblical Studies (ISSN 1584-7624). Two issues of vol. XVI appeared in 2018. In 2017, vol. XV/1-2 was published as a “Festschrift für Ulrich Luz zum 80. Geburtstag” and was handed over to him on his birthday on 23 February, 2018.
2018 – Publication: Rodoljub Kubat, Predrag Dragutinović (Eds): Leksikon biblijske Egsegese (LBE), Beograd: Pravoslavni Bogoslovski Fakultet u Beograd, Biblijski Institut: Sluzhbeni Glasnik, 2018, 533 pp.
2018 – Agreement for Cooperation for 5 years: Aspirantura/Doktorantura, Moscow, and EELC/SNTS
2017 –Agreement for Cooperation between St Petersburg State University and EELC/SNTS
2016 – Publication of volume 11 of “Bibleiska Biblioteka” Sofia (publication series of the Collegium Biblicum Bulgaricum)
2016 – Russian Translation of Ulrich Luz, Sermon on the Mount (extract from his EKK commentary)
2012 – Agreement for Cooperation for 10 years with regard to the Bibliotheca Biblia Sofia between Faculty of Theology of Sofia University and EELC/SNTS
2010 – Russian translation of ‘Paulus: Eine Biographie’ by Eduard Lohse (Bibliotheca Biblica Series)
2008 – Russian Translation of E. Zenger [Ed.], Einleitung in das Alte Testament (first volume of Bibliotheca Biblica Series)
2006 - Founding of the Association of Biblical Scholars, Romania
2005 – Establishment of the Center for Biblical Studies, Babes-Bolyai-University Cluj-Napoca, Romania