SNTS—The International Society for New Testament Studies
An Open Letter Regarding the Invasion of Ukraine
Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) is an academic society committed to “the furtherance of New Testament studies internationally.” SNTS held its first meeting in September 1938, just one year before the Second World War broke out when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. Due to a scholarly commitment to common inquiry and the friendships among New Testament scholars in Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, and Germany, SNTS survived the cataclysmic war that so devastated Europe as well as much of the world. In recent decades, SNTS, though it began in Western Europe, has been working to become an increasingly international society extending around the globe. It now has members on six of the seven continents. The intentional globalizing of SNTS has included, especially in the aftermath of the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, an Eastern European Liaison Committee that has done much to create conditions for scholarly collaborations, conferences, and conversations among those who study the New Testament in Eastern and Western Europe and beyond.
This history, as well as our scholarly commitments and friendships, make it imperative that we, a Society mindful of the call to neighbor-care and peace that is articulated in the New Testament documents that we study, speak out against the invasion of Ukraine and the military campaign that is accelerating day by day. We express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and we unequivocally condemn this egregious act of inhumane aggression and war.
We wholeheartedly support the brave and morally forthright letter of the Russian scientists and science journalists condemning the invasion (which may now be viewed at: and stand with our scholarly colleagues throughout the world who demand a halt to the invasion and an end to the lawless hostilities that have been waged against the Ukrainian people. We dearly and eagerly hope for a path to peace and justice and the securing of Ukraine’s democratic freedoms well into the future.
Signed, the following SNTS Officers and Committee Members:
Margaret M. Mitchell, President (USA)
John Kloppenborg, Past President (Canada)
John M. G. Barclay, President-Elect (UK)
Joseph Verheyden, Presidential Nominee for 2023/24 (Belgium)
Todd D. Still, Secretary (USA)
William R. G. Loader, Assistant Secretary for International Initiatives (Australia)
Simon J. Gathercole, Editor, New Testament Studies (UK)
Edward Adams, Editor of the SNTS Monograph Series (UK)
Bernardo Estrada, Committee Member (Columbia)
Moisés Mayordomo, Committee Member (Switzerland)
Heike Omerzu, Committee Member (Denmark)
François Tolmie, Committee Member (South Africa)
and the following SNTS Members who have asked to be listed as signatories to this letter:
A. K. M. Adam (UK)
A. Andrew Das (USA)
Adelbert Denaux (Belgium)
Alicia Batten (Canada)
Anders Runesson (Norway)
Andreas Dettwiler (Switzerland)
Andreas Lindemann (Germany)
Andries Van Aarde (South Africa)
Angela Standhartinger (Germany)
Ann Jervis (Canada)
Athanasios Despotis (Germany)
B. J. Oropeza (USA)
Ben Witherington (USA)
Benjamin Schliesser (Switzerland)
Bernadette Brooten (USA)
Bernard Lategan (South Africa)
Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte (Netherlands)
Beverly Gaventa (USA)
Brendan Byrne (Australia)
Bruce Longenecker (USA)
C. Clifton Black (USA)
Camille Focant (Belgium)
Candida Moss (UK)
Carl Holladay (USA)
Carolyn Osiek (USA)
Catrin Williams (UK)
Charles Cosgrove (USA)
Charles Hill (USA)
Chris Keith (USA)
Christian Eberhart (USA)
Christiane Zimmermann (Germany)
Christof Landmesser (Germany)
Christoph Heil (Austria)
Christopher Stanley (USA)
Christopher Tuckett (UK)
Christos Karakolis (Greece)
Cilliers Breytenbach (Germany/South Africa)
Clare K. Rothschild (USA)
Claudia Setzer (USA)
Clinton Arnold (USA)
Colin Kruse (Australia)
Cosmin Pricop (Romania)
Craig Blomberg (USA)
Craig Keener (USA)
Craig Koester (USA)
Daniel Boyarin (USA)
Daniel Gerber (France)
Daniel Marguerat (Switzerland)
Darrell Bock (USA)
David Balch (USA)
David Catchpole (UK)
David Garland (USA)
David Hellholm (Sweden)
David Horrell (UK)
David Instone-Brewer (UK)
David Lincicum (USA)
David P. Moessner (USA)
Deirdre Good (USA)
Delbert Burkett (USA)
Dieter Sänger (Germany)
Dietrich-Alex Koch (Germany)
Douglas Moo (USA)
Edwin Broadhead (USA)
Elian Cuvillier (France)
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (USA/Germany)
Elizabeth Struthers Malbon (US)
Eric Wong (Hong Kong)
Eugene Eung-Chun Park (USA)
Eva Ebel (Switzerland)
Ferdinand R. Prostmeier (Germany)
Fernando Segovia (USA)
Florian Wilk (Germany)
Francesco Bianchini (Italy)
Francis Moloney (Australia)
Francis Watson (UK)
Francisco Lozada Jr. (USA)
Frank Matera (USA)
František Ábel (Slovakia)
Gabriella Gelardini (Switzerland)
Gary Burge (USA)
Graham Twelftree (UK)
Gregory E. Sterling (USA)
Gunter Rohser (Germany)
Håkan Ulfgard (Sweden)
Hans Clemens Caesarius Cavallin (Denmark)
Hans Dieter Betz (USA)
Hans Jacob Bernardus Combrink (South Africa)
Hans-Georg Gradl (Germany)
Hans-Ulrich Weidemann (Germany)
Harold Attridge (US)
Harry Maier (Canada)
Hermann Lichtenberger (Germany)
Hermut Loehr (Germany)
Huub Van De Sandt (Netherlands)
Hyeon Woo Shin (South Korea)
Ian Boxall (USA)
Ingo Broer (Germany)
Ismo Dunderberg (Finland)
Ivan Dimitrov (Bulgaria)
J. Albert Harrill (USA)
J. Ross Wagner (USA)
James Harrison (Australia)
James Mcgrath (USA)
Jan Willem Van Henten (Netherlands)
Jean Zumstein (Switzerland)
Jeannine Brown (USA)
Jennifer Knust (USA)
Jerry Sumney (USA)
Jeyaseelan Kanagaraj (India)
Joan Taylor (UK)
Joel B. Green (USA)
Johan Ferreira (Australia)
Johan Thom (South Africa)
Johannes Beutler (Germany)
John Byron (USA)
John Carroll (USA)
John Collins (USA)
John Fitzgerald (USA)
John G. Cook (USA)
Jörg Frey (Switzerland)
Juan Chapa (Spain)
Judith Gundry (USA)
Judith Lieu (UK)
Jürgen Wehnert (Germany)
K. K. Yeo (USA)
Kari Syreeni (Finland)
Karin Zetterholm (Sweden)
Karl-Heinrich Ostmeyer (Germany)
Kathy Ehrensperger (Germany)
Kevin Mccruden (USA)
Klaus B. Haacker (Germany)
Klaus Scholtissek (Germany)
Klyne Snodgrass (USA)
Konrad Huber (Germany)
Korinna Zamfir (Romania)
Kyoung-Shik Min (South Korea)
Lars Jaakko Tapani Aejmelaeus (Finland)
Lars Rydbeck (Sweden)
Lauri Thurén (Finland)
Lidija Novakovic (USA)
Loren Stuckenbruck (Germany)
Lukas Bormann (Germany)
Lutz Doering (Germany)
Manabu Tsuji (Japan)
Margaret MacDonald (Canada)
Marianne Meye Thompson (USA)
Mark Goodacre (USA)
Mark Harding (Australia)
Mark Seifrid (USA)
Markus Oehler (Austria)
Martin Hasitschka (Austria)
Martin Winter (Germany)
Martina Janßen (Germany)
Mary Coloe (Australia)
Mary Dangelo (USA)
Matthew Gordley (USA)
Matthew Novenson (UK)
Matthew Thiessen (Canada)
Michael Bird (Australia)
Michael Cover (USA)
Michael Holmes (USA)
Michael J. Gorman (USA)
Michael Lattke (Australia)
Michael Licona (USA)
Michael Wolter (Germany)
Michal Beth Dinkler (USA)
Michel Gourgues (Canada)
Michel Quesnel (France)
Miguel Rodríguez-Ruiz (Germany)
Mikael Tellbe (Sweden)
Mikeal Parsons (USA)
Morna Hooker (UK)
N. Clayton Croy (USA)
Neil Elliott (USA)
Nicholas Taylor (UK)
Nijay Gupta (USA)
Nils Neumann (Germany)
Norman Hugh Young (Australia)
Osvaldo Vena (USA)
Otfried Hofius (Germany)
Paul Anderson (USA)
Paul Duff (USA)
Paul Holloway (USA)
Paul Spilsbury (Canada)
Paul Trebilco (New Zealand)
Paula Fredriksen (USA)
Per Jarle Bekken (Norway)
Peter Arzt-Grabner (Austria)
Peter Davids (USA)
Peter Lampe (Germany)
Peter-Ben Smit (Netherlands)
Petr Mareček (Czech Republic)
Petri Luomanen (Finland)
Pieter G.R. De Villiers (South Africa)
Rafael Aguirre (Spain)
Raimo Hakola (Finland)
Reidar Aasgaard (Norway)
Reinhard Feldmeier (Germany)
Richard Bell (UK)
Richard Hays (USA)
Richard J. Cassidy (USA)
Riemer Roukema (Netherlands)
Risto Uro (Finland)
Robert L. Brawley (USA)
Robert Tannehill (USA)
Roger Aus (USA)
Roman Kühschelm (Austria)
Ronald Piper (UK)
Rudolf Hoppe (Germany)
Runar Thorsteinsson (Iceland)
Samuel Byrskog (Sweden)
Santiago Guijarro (Spain)
Scott Hafemann (USA)
Scott Shauf (USA)
Shelly Matthews (USA)
Sigurd Grindheim (Norway)
Silvia Pellegrini (Germany/Italy)
Simon Butticaz (Switzerland)
Stephan Witetschek (Germany)
Stephen Barton (UK)
Stephen Pattemore (New Zealand)
Stephen Patterson (USA)
Steve Walton (UK)
Steven Kraftchick (USA)
Takaaki Haraguchi (Japan)
Terence Donaldson (Canada)
Thomas J. Kraus (Germany)
Thomas Johann Bauer (Germany)
Thomas Kazen (Sweden)
Thomas R. Blanton IV (USA)
Thomas Schmeller (Germany)
Thomas Slater (USA)
Tobias Nicklas (Germany)
Tofana Stelian (Romania)
Tom Holmén (Finland)
Tommy Wasserman (Sweden)
Tord Fornberg (Sweden)
Torsten Jantsch (Germany)
Troy W. Martin (USA)
Ulrich Mell (Germany)
Uta Poplutz (Germany)
Warren Carter (USA/New Zealand)
Watson Mills (USA)
Wayne Meeks (USA)
Werner Zager (Germany)
Wilfried Eisele (Germany)
William O. Walker Jr. (USA)
William Wright (USA)
Wim J.C. Weren (Netherlands)
Wolfgang Kraus (Germany)
Wolfgang Reinbold (Germany)
Yann Redalie (Italy)